Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wiki So Far

So far on the class Wiki, I have not added much.  It took me a while to even think of an idea because there is already so much information that is on it.  Finally I had decided to add to the Astrology page.  So far I only added the section on the page where I will be adding information as well as a brief intro paragraph.  I have looked into the relationship between new media and zodiac signs because of a youtube video that I watched recently.  In the video the woman dressed like her zodiac sign for a week.  It made me realize that through the use of new media and the internet people become familiar with there zodiac sign due to the many sites that provide information about each.  Basically, the information that I am looking for is how accurate the information that new media provides us with is.  Also I will look into the fact that most people seem to find zodiac signs and astrology to be a joke and whether or not new media caused it.


  1. Astrology seems to be an interesting topic considering that so many millennials are constantly looking at their own. I would love to understand why people put such heavy beliefs on it and whether or not it is an accurate depiction of each individuals personality and lifestyle.

  2. Hi Ellie, I never was interested in astrology until I recently saw an Instagram post about my zodiac sign. It was then I discovered that there are so many sites that have a ton of information about this subject. However, I have to say that the information pertaining to each signs tend to be generalized to apply to almost everyone which makes me question it. What is your opinion on zodiac signs? I would love to get your opinion on it.
