Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Privacy has been a huge concern when discussing new media.  In a way, people choose to rid themselves of privacy when they are constantly posting on social media platforms.  The younger generation has a lax attitude about privacy which could be a negative thing.  By being lax about privacy concerns, it opens up the option of "big brother" for the government which has started to become more real in the recent years.  Facial recognition technology is fairly normal, people allow websites to collect their data, and we never read the lengthy terms and agreements that could secretly say that you sign your life away to a company.  Who knows? Definitely not the people who do not read the terms and agreements.

People also feel like they have a sense of anonymity on the internet which is not really the case.  If anyone wanted to, they can find your IP address and see where you are accessing the internet from.  However, because it is easy to have your profile under someone else's face and name people feel as if they are untouchable.  This may cause harm if they interact with evil hackers that want to break into their house or kill them.  Which I understand is not extremely common but it still happens.  The internet is a fun but scary place and it is dangerous to think that no one can harm you besides just with words.

1 comment:

  1. I think you raised a great concern for the younger generation who are posting without fulling realizing their actions. Maybe as our technological society advances, the younger generation can have a better understanding of what goes behind "posts" and how information stays on the internet.
