Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Research Project Proposal

Topic: Social Media Affect on Our Daily Lives

Nowadays it is not uncommon for a person to be on multiple social media platforms.  It has become such a regular component of our everyday lives that it ends up affecting us in both positive and negative ways.  It is no surprise that social media use can reduce academic performance due to it causing distractions.  Self esteem and human connections suffer because of social media use.  Businesses can also suffer because consumers now have more power to spread negative opinions whether those opinions are true or not.  With further research I will delve into more negative impacts and possible positive impacts that social media has on our everyday lives?


  1. Hi Ellie,

    Good to have another class with you! I can't believe it's already been two years since Freshmen Orientation. I hope you're doing well!

    About your project proposal: I think it's an excellent topic choice but think that it will turn out to be more of a two-sided compare and contrast paper rather than a research paper. Social media platforms are without a doubt, one of the most dangerous double-edged swords when it comes to academic performance. Some might also say that although it allows for more efficient and effective communication, that even if it does bring us closer together digitally, it casts us farther apart physically.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts on that statement: maybe it could be a new thesis focus for you!

    1. Hey Martin! Sorry this is over a month late but thank you for your input! You raise an excellent point. Because of your post I decided to focus more on how new media/ social media can be beneficially to different aspects of a person's life. Thank you for your help!
